Subject description

This subject is designed to provide business-based Higher Degree Research with substantial knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to their field of work or learning in order that they can plan and execute an original research design and research proposal. It provides discipline-independent cognitive and research skills in order … For more content click the Read More button below.

Enrolment rules



COMM980 - Commerce Research Proposal


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Engagement hours

Lecture:Please refer to subject timetable/subject's Moodle site for contact hours detail

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Demonstrate expert specialised cognitive, technical and research skills in a discipline or area of professional practice.
Systematically engage in critical reflection, synthesis and evaluation.
Develop, adapt and implement research paradigms and methodologies in order to extend or redefine existing knowledge or professional practice.
Generate original knowledge and understanding in the development of a detailed research proposal.

Assessment details

Journal article critique
Peer proposal critique
Research proposal

Textbook information

Textbook details are available online from the University Bookshop at

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